I successfully created a DigitalOcean app for cPanel and WHM and uploaded my website into the file server which supports PHP8 (checked using php -v) on the terminal.
I have uploaded a simple file of hello.php which is just a hello world <?php echo “Hello, world!”; ?>
The file is in the system and I can see it but when I try and access it on the webpage it returns a 404 not found
Here’s my webpage for reference:
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Hello @hasnaatk
With cPanel/WHM you will usually add a domain name via WHM and then upload files under the domain name’s root directory which will be the public_html folder.
You can add a domain name via WHM and the upload the file either via the File Manager or via ssh-client or SFTP-client and the access the file using the domain name.
If you do not have a domain name you can try using the cPanel preview link option, you can find more information here: