
K8s logging solutions: which is the most lightweight?

I’m looking to extend my Kubernetes setup with a logging solution. Digital Ocean marketplace offers: Grafana Loki, Bugfender, Loggly, Logtail, and Papertrail.

Given my requirements for a simple, lightweight and free solution, which one of the above options would you recommend?

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Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
November 23, 2023
Accepted Answer

Hey there, Martin!

If you are looking for a logging solution that’s both lightweight and free, I’d definitely give Grafana Loki a shot.

It’s a great fit, especially if you’re keen on keeping things simple. Loki is pretty much like Prometheus, but for logs, which means it’s going to be super smooth sailing if you’re already familiar with the Prometheus setup. Plus, it integrates seamlessly with Grafana, so you can visualize all your logs with ease.

It’s designed to be cost-effective and doesn’t index the content of your logs, which really helps in keeping the resource usage low. Hope this helps you out!

Best of luck with your Kubernetes journey!

- Bobby

Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
November 22, 2023


I’ve personally used Grafana and I find it really useful when it comes to checking metrics or setting alert notifications.

Grafana can also be installed on a regular droplet, we have a tutorial that covers the whole process:


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