
Kubernetes Extra Costs

I’m pretty new to kubernetes, and I’m just starting, and I found that digital ocean is pretty good for my project, but I have some questions.

  1. Will creating a external Load Balancer automatically create a Digital Ocean Load Balancer, and start charging? If not, what advantages does Digital Ocean’s Load Balancer have over kubernetes one?

  2. External/Service IPs have any extra cost? If yes, how much can I deploy, and is it a fixed price?

  3. Basically the same question as the first one, but with Block Storage Volumes. Does Digital Ocean deploy automatically Block Storage Volumes instead of kubernetes substitute?

If you know anything about these topics, I will really appreciate if you could reply with all the information you have.

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Accepted Answer


  1. Yes, if you create a load balancer DO K8s platform, it will use a DO hardware load balancer. If you see yourself creating many services within your K8s cluster, then I highly recommend creating an Ingress resource for routing traffic within your cluster. Otherwise, you’ll be charged the cost of a load-balancer for each service.

  2. If you’re accessing an external/service IP, it really depends on the cost of the external service here. For example, if one is using paid external service, then you’ll be responsible for paying that fee. If you’re using an Ingress within your DO K8s cluster, then you’ll have a cost for the load balancer.

  3. In general, the resource types within K8s are abstractions for actual hardware on the cloud providers’ platform. Thus, if you’re using a service resource, then you’ll be charged the cost of a load-balancer. If you’re using PersistentVolumeClaim and PersistentVolume resources, then you may be charged for them because they map to actual hardware on DO’s platform.

In general, I recommend getting everything fully working within your development environment. Then you can research the monthly cost on DO’s platform here.

Well, I wish you all the best with your project.

Think different and code well,


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