I have searched for a solution, but still having some issue. my streamlit app runs when accessed from the droplet ip, I have set up a domain name, and my streamlit ui shows correctly when accessing from the https domain-name, however, the chatbox for my app just says “please wait”. mostly I have been looking at setting the port differently, and lots of other options. but if someone has the answer that would be nice
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the solution was adding this to my nginx file, as it was a websocket issue
I know the question has been updating with the solution in this case, however there are some general tips to follow when you are presented with such an issue.
If the Streamlit app works correctly when accessed via the IP address but not when accessed via your HTTPS-enabled domain name, the issue might be with your Nginx configuration or your Streamlit app’s settings.
Here are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot this issue:
Enable HTTPS in Streamlit: While Nginx can handle the HTTPS part, you might need to configure Streamlit to be aware that it’s being served over HTTPS. Check the Streamlit configuration options to see if there’s an option to enable HTTPS or to set the base URL for the app.
Check your app’s JavaScript Console for Errors: Open your web browser’s developer tools (usually F12 key) and check the JavaScript console for any errors when you load the app. This can often provide clues about what’s going wrong.
Ensure WebSocket Support: Streamlit uses WebSockets for communication between the browser and the server. You need to ensure that your Nginx server is set up to correctly proxy WebSocket connections. This is typically handled by including the following lines in your Nginx configuration: