
Redirect Loop on Wordpress site with IP adress as Domain name

To preface my problem, I am using my droplets IP as site address. Nothing have become a problem for this 3 month, until 2 days ago. Suddenly my site can’t be opened with ERR_Too_Many_Redirect message.

Using link redirect trace i’ve found that my site seems to keep redirecting into itself. Because it’s not the first time i came across this problem, but it’s the first time when using DigitalOcean VPS, I usually just change the content of wp-config to fix this problem.

But because this seems to have no effect in this issue I have come to ask for some advice.

This is what I’ve done up to this point -clearing cache, cookies etc from my browser and Wordpress -Fix wordpress url through wp-config -change, deleting, and make a new .htaccess file -deactivating and deleting plugins -restore the droplet from pre-incident backup

It might have been http to https redirect loop. But I doubt it because I make the redirect 3 months ago and never come to any problem. and while i just renew my SSL Mid-April from Zero-SSL. I don’t think it will be an issue.

Any advice is appreciated, thank you

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Accepted Answer

Eyy @shopramai448,

This problem is very typical in Wordpress, the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECT sometimes originates by:

  • Mistakes with Plugin Cache Optimization ( upgraded? )
  • Home page and site URL with configuration problems
  • Error in .htaccess file ( has been recently modified? )
  • HTTPS configuration is not correct

Probably some file have been modified by some automated script and perhaps the current configuration has been altered.

Have you checked the server logs?

Let me know,

Sergio Turpín

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