
Should you use multiple spaces regions if using global CDN?

If I’m caching files on the global CDN for my users to download is there any reason to use multiple spaces for multiple regions?

Currently, I’m uploading the files to a space closest to where my users tell me they are located. If the CDN is global though, then I shouldn’t need to do this though, correct?

If I can upload the files to a space in a region with a direct connection to my droplets it would save me significant time transferring data into spaces.

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Accepted Answer

For anyone who finds this, I think I’ve stumbled upon the answer to my question.

It appears the spaces in each region has points of presence the files will be copied to. So it is still important for you to upload files to a nearby region, so the closest pool of PoPs is serving them.

Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
February 1, 2024

Hi there,

A quick update here on the CDN Spaces side!

We’ve massively expanded our Spaces Content Delivery Network (CDN), now boasting approximately 274 Points of Presence (PoPs) globally.

This upgrade significantly boosts speed and reliability for web applications, ensuring a smooth and swift experience for users everywhere.

This introduces a reduced latency, enhanced performance, and the added bonus of SEO advantages, at no extra cost.



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