Hi folks, I am in the process of building a simple cloud service and I want to measure how much traffic each kind of droplet can handle using any particular setup.
It occurred to me that there may be rules or guidelines about simulating users and stress testing a droplet. I had already run 1 test and gathered very valuable data about a 512 droplet. the test took 5 or 10 minutes.
I’d like to run other tests and maybe many tests, and I don’t want to break any rules or create “Abnormal” traffic patterns and get shut down.
Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. Thanks :)
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As long as you’re not generating a lot of incoming traffic (300+ of MB/s), and not causing very high CPU load for a long time, you will be fine :) 5-10 minutes is definitely fine.
thank you for that confirmation.
Hello there,
You can also use LoadForge for this purpose
LoadForge uses your DigitalOcean account to rapidly scale large numbers of simulated users to load test your website, store, API, or application.