Hi. Im tring to download the data of my MYSQL database. I want to import the data to my Excel sheets. I dowloades ODBC 64 bits, and i can stablish connection. I can see all the tables of my database, buy when y double click to import the data, I recieve this msg
DataSource.Error: ODBC: An error occurred but no ODBC error information was available. Detalles: DataSourceKind=Odbc DataSourcePath=dsn=informental OdbcErrors=[Table]
Whats wrong? How can I fix this error and import my data to my Excel? Thanks
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Hey all,
After some investigation with @informentalm, the solution was to add the ODBC connection in the “User DNS” rather than the “System DNS” tab.
Hey @informental,
First make sure you have added your IP to your trusted sources:
Here is the article on how to usually connect and from where to get your crednetials:
Lastly, can you post your connection string(editing the sensitive data) that you are using to connect to your Database?
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