I’ve setup my DO server with nginx. I was able to access the url www.jan-xv.online yesterday. I need help in figuring it out as to why I would get # This site can’t be reached whenever I go to my url www.jan-xv.online
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Hi there,
As far as I can see you are getting a connection refused on both port 80 and 443.
This is usually caused by either your webserver not running or your firewall blocking the access to those ports.
What you could do is to follow the steps from this guide here on how to troubleshoot common Nginx problems, and mainly:
Check Your Nginx Server Status:
Ensure that your Nginx server is running properly. You can check the status with the following command:
If Nginx is not running, you can start it with:
If there are errors in the Nginx configuration, you can test the configuration to see if there are issues:
Feel free to share the output of the above commands if you need further assistance.
Check Firewall Rules:
Check DNS Settings:
Check the Droplet’s IP Address:
) is correct and matches the one configured in your DNS settings.Check Server Logs:
Let me know how it goes!
- Bobby