Quite new to this but I’m programming a bot on Python and I want it to be hosted 24/7. Right now it only pings you back after doing a little test but I will expand the commands list and allow it play music from YouTube and also have your information from Steam pop up.
Which droplet should I get for this?
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The $5 dollar droplets (I’d imagine) should be fine for this purpose. It’s possible to “resize” the droplet later on if you need to.
Ubuntu is probably the most popular choice and common place to begin at if you’re new to Linux servers.
So: https://cloud.digitalocean.com/droplets/new?i=cda637&size=512mb®ion=nyc1
Also it’s always a good idea to learn and work through this guide on your new Ubuntu droplets (it has some very important groundwork in it):
Initial Server Setup with Ubuntu 16.04
Best of luck.