Hello, readers! In this article, we would be walking through an important concept in Machine Learning - R squared (R2) in R programming.
So, let us begin!!
Let us first understand the importance of error metrics in the domain of Data Science and Machine Learning!!
Error metrics enable us to evaluate the performance of a machine learning model on a particular dataset.
There are various error metric models depending upon the class of algorithm.
We have the Confusion Matrix to deal with and evaluate Classification algorithms. While R square is an important error metric to evaluate the predictions made by a regression algorithm.
R squared (R2)
is a regression error metric that justifies the performance of the model. It represents the value of how much the independent variables are able to describe the value for the response/target variable.
Thus, an R-squared model describes how well the target variable is explained by the combination of the independent variables as a single unit.
The R squared value ranges between 0 to 1 and is represented by the below formula:
R2= 1- SSres / SStot
Always remember, Higher the R square value, better is the predicted model!
In this example, we have implemented the concept of R square error metric on the Linear Regression model.
function and then we have called the user-defined R square function to evaluate the performance of the modelExample:
#Removed all the existing objects
rm(list = ls())
#Setting the working directory
setwd("D:/Ediwsor_Project - Bike_Rental_Count/")
#Load the dataset
bike_data = read.csv("day.csv",header=TRUE)
### SAMPLING OF DATA -- Splitting of Data columns into Training and Test dataset ###
categorical_col_updated = c('season','yr','mnth','weathersit','holiday')
bike = bike_data
bike = dummy.data.frame(bike,categorical_col_updated)
#Separating the depenedent and independent data variables into two dataframes.
split_val = createDataPartition(bike$cnt, p = 0.80, list = FALSE)
train_data = bike[split_val,]
test_data = bike[-split_val,]
#Defining error metrics to check the error rate and accuracy of the Regression ML algorithms
MAPE = function(y_actual,y_predict){
#2. R SQUARED error metric -- Coefficient of Determination
RSQUARE = function(y_actual,y_predict){
linear_model = lm(cnt~., train_data) #Building the Linear Regression Model on our dataset
linear_predict=predict(linear_model,test_data[-27]) #Predictions on Testing data
LR_MAPE = MAPE(test_data[,27],linear_predict) # Using MAPE error metrics to check for the error rate and accuracy level
LR_R = RSQUARE(test_data[,27],linear_predict) # Using R-SQUARE error metrics to check for the error rate and accuracy level
Accuracy_Linear = 100 - LR_MAPE
print("MAPE: ")
print("R-Square: ")
print('Accuracy of Linear Regression: ')
As seen below, the R square value is 0.82 i.e. the model has worked well for our data.
> print("MAPE: ")
[1] "MAPE: "
> print(LR_MAPE)
[1] 17.61674
> print("R-Square: ")
[1] "R-Square: "
> print(LR_R)
[1] 0.8278258
> print('Accuracy of Linear Regression: ')
[1] "Accuracy of Linear Regression: "
> print(Accuracy_Linear)
[1] 82.38326
We can even make use of the summary() function
in R to extract the R square value after modelling.
In the below example, we have applied the linear regression model on our data frame and then used summary()$r.squared
to get the r square value.
rm(list = ls())
A <- c(1,2,3,4,2,3,4,1)
B <- c(1,2,3,4,2,3,4,1)
a <- c(10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80)
b <- c(100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800)
data <- data.frame(A,B,a,b)
print("Original data frame:\n")
ml = lm(A~a, data = data)
# Extracting R-squared parameter from summary
[1] "Original data frame:\n"
A B a b
1 1 1 10 100
2 2 2 20 200
3 3 3 30 300
4 4 4 40 400
5 2 2 50 500
6 3 3 60 600
7 4 4 70 700
8 1 1 80 800
[1] 0.03809524
By this, we have come to the end of this topic. Feel free to comment below, in case you come across any question.
Till then, Happy Learning!! :)
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