
Adding IPv6 to MongoDB cluster's trusted sourcess (IP Binding)

This may seems such a trivial question but it is possible to edit the MongoDB’s configuration file and bind multiple IP/range in order to restrict access to the database. (

This option is available on DigitalOcean’s dashboard for “Managed MongoDB Database” but it only allows IPv4. Recently I was trying to add an IPv6 to the list of “trusted sources” but I got an error saying only IPv4 is allowed.

Since we do not have access to the database cluster itself and can not configure it manually, does DO offer an option to allow IPv6 for trusted sources in the dashboard?

I searched a lot through documentation but could not find any clue.

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Rajkishore J
DigitalOcean Employee
DigitalOcean Employee badge
November 30, 2021
Accepted Answer

Hi @bbkkbbkk,

Restricting access to specific ports or IPv6 addresses is not currently supported with DO Managed database.

As we continue to work on improving our products and services, we encourage you to share your thoughts, ideas, or feedback you have at

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Regards, Rajkishore

Quite sad. I have the same problem here. I have ipv6 at the home/office, and I can’t access the database. I would say that the alternative is to create a jump box inside a droplet.

Since my app is not in production yet, I only remove all trusted sources whenever I’m connected directly to the database.

But soon will be, and I can’t afford to remove the trusted sources and leave them open.

Quite sad. My case is Postgres Managed DB, I have the same problem here. I have ipv6 at the home/office, and I can’t access the database. I would say that the alternative is to create a jump box inside a droplet.

Since my app is not in production yet, I only remove all trusted sources whenever I’m connected directly to the database.

But soon will be, and I can’t afford to remove the trusted sources and leave them open.

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