
After adding my domain to ALLOWED_HOSTS in django settings I am still getting a 502 error. Not sure why my settings are not recognized.

So, I created an Ubuntu droplet with nginx, gunicorn and django. I added my domain and when trying to access my django site I got a 502 error. I read in several places that adding my domain to ALLOWED_HOSTS should remedy the problem so I did that and still got the error. To make a long story that should have been shorter shorter I finally started gunicorn in the console and the stacktrace I am getting indicates that my domain probably needs to be added to ALLOWED_HOSTS but I already added it. After digging a little further I notice that there are three files that contain an ALLOWED_HOSTS variable. There is ./var/lib/digitalocean/, ./var/lib/digitalocean/ and /home/django/django_project/django_project/ So far I have attempted adding my domain into each of thes files and still recieve the same error. This is a stupid, really really frustrating error. Anyone have any suggestions or have the same issue?

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Accepted Answer

I figured out what the problem was. I didn’t realize that at the bottom of my file ALLOWED_HOSTS was being overwritten when the IP addresses are looked up at runtime. Sooo, ALLOWED_HOSTS appears near the beginning of the file which contains the list of your supplied ip addresses and/or domain names and another one at the very end of the file which is set as follows:

Find out what the IP addresses are at run time

This is necessary because otherwise Gunicorn will reject the connections

def ip_addresses(): ip_list = [] for interface in netifaces.interfaces(): addrs = netifaces.ifaddresses(interface) for x in (netifaces.AF_INET, netifaces.AF_INET6): if x in addrs: ip_list.append(addrs[x][0][‘addr’]) return ip_list

Discover our IP address

ALLOWED_HOSTS = ip_addresses()

I had to change ALLOWED_HOSTS = ip_addresses() to ALLOWED_HOSTS += ip_addresses() so that my entries near the beginning of the file weren’t overwritten.

So, django has a file that it uses for application-wide configuration. In the settings file generated for my app I was setting the ALLOWED_HOSTS variable but then at the end of the file it was being overwritten. The following line at the end of the settings file:

ALLOWED_HOSTS += ip_addresses()

“appends” the output from the ip_addresses call to what I set ALLOWED_HOSTS to previously in the file.

Hi, there, I am having the same problem I believe. But I am very new here. Would you please elaborate on your solution, please? Thank you!

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