
App platform: Deployment error: unable to retrieve container logs

I am trying to deploy an app with two services (nodejs api and a nextjs frontend) from a mono repo.

Both apps work fine when deployed separately. I have looked at the sample-monorepo and adapted it to my use case.

When deploying, the build runs successfully but the run log just says:

api unable api unable to retrieve container logs for containerd://8461e129******41ec89webapp unable to retrieve container logs for containerd://e8520b318675******6bbf1852

and the whole deploy fails with a DeployContainerExitNonZero.

This is my repo:

What am I doing wrong?

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Accepted Answer


I have jus made it public. My deployment log looks like his:

Thank’s for your help.

Steven Normore
DigitalOcean Employee
DigitalOcean Employee badge
October 12, 2020

@0xsven 👋

The DeployContainerExitNonZero error would normally indicate that the container is exiting the process in error (with a non-zero exit code). The deployment logs should show any stdout/stderr produced within the container when this happens.

Unfortunately the repo you linked to seems to be private so I’m not able to test it directly myself. If you’re comfortable making that public then I can dig a little further here. Alternatively, I’d suggest opening a ticket with Support; that way we can take a closer look at the app itself.

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