
APP platform Server Error (500) when reposting post with images

In my django social media websites deployed as a web app, I have a view where user can make reposts of posts from other users. On the local environment(In my laptop); I can successfully repost posts with or with our images. But when I deployed the project into DO App platform where I have a postgress DB and a Spaces bucket for images, when I repost a post without images, it is reposted successfully, but when the post has an images, I get the server error 500 on the browser.

Now the confusing thing is that even if I get the error, when I refresh the browser, I the post with the images would have been reposted.

How can I prevent this error from happening as it is not good for users of the web app to see this - please not that works fine in my local server

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Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
January 14, 2024
Accepted Answer

Hey Chris,

Typically, a Server Error (500) typically indicates a problem on the server-side, and the fact that it occurs only when reposting posts with images suggests that the issue might be related to how your app handles image uploads in the production environment. Here are some steps to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Check Your App’s Logs: The first step in diagnosing a 500 error is to look at the logs. DigitalOcean App Platform provides logs for your running apps, which can give you insight into what’s happening when the error occurs. Look for any error messages or stack traces that occur at the time of the error.

  2. File Permissions and Storage Configuration: Since the issue is related to image uploads, check if the file permissions and storage configurations on your DigitalOcean Spaces are correctly set. Ensure that your Django app has the necessary permissions to write to the Spaces bucket.

  3. Django Media Settings: Verify your MEDIA_URL and MEDIA_ROOT settings in Django’s These settings should be configured to correctly point to your DigitalOcean Spaces bucket where the images are stored.

  4. Django Static Files: Ensure that your static files are properly set up. In production, Django does not handle static files the same way it does in development. You need to configure STATIC_URL and STATIC_ROOT appropriately and run python collectstatic to collect static files.

Feel free to share any of the errors here so that I could try and advise you further.



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