
Can I run LEMP Server and a Node stack on the same droplet?

I just setup a LEMP server on Ubuntu 16.04. This is my first time setting up a server from scratch!

I would like to run 3 seperate domains on the same droplet. One is a LEMP site (personal site) and another is a Node.js app that I want to use Node/Express/React/Postgres on. The third one might be a wordpress blog. Anyway…

Two Questions:

#1 I have already created the server blocks for the respective sites. Do I just install all my necessary packages and go from there? Can node and node packages be installed alongside mysql and php?

#2 Do server blocks share all the same access to the packages/servers I install? For example, can all domains use mysql and php or node?

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Accepted Answer

Think of it this way:

Can this road handle 100,000 cars per hour with no bottle necks?

There are a lot of questions to ask:

  • Was the road built optimally (code for the sites)?
  • Is the road wide enough (memory allocation per request)?
  • Are there enough lanes (server size)?
  • Does it have shoulders to allow people to pull over if they break down (CPU/RAM is able to handle extra load/larger requests)?

So, think of planning a server the way you would a road. Can it handle the traffic? Can it handle 25% more traffic than you expect? Is your code optimized?

As for if the sites can use the same installs of packages: yes.

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