I’m trying to use selenium and python on my VM and cannot get google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb to install despite trying every potential “solution” I’ve find online.
(Reading database ... 117712 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking google-chrome-stable (112.0.5615.49-1) ...
dpkg-deb: error: <decompress> subprocess was killed by signal (Killed)
dpkg: error processing archive google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb (--install):
cannot copy extracted data for './opt/google/chrome/libGLESv2.so' to '/opt/google/chrome/libGLESv2.so.dpkg-new': unexpected end of file or stream
Errors were encountered while processing:
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for my case, i was using an intel processor, and trying to install amd version, i upgraded the droplet to amd processor and the unpackaging was done
Hello @loganthomas
The downloaded file is probably corrupt/incomplete. You can download the file again and try to install it.
You can also attempt the get the file from another source as the one you’re using might not be usable after all.
Hope that this helps!
Hey @loganthomas,
It seems like the installation of the
package is failing due to an unexpected error. There are a few possibilities when experiencing this issue, the file you’ve downloaded could be corrupt or not full, try downloading the package again.Another way would to go about the problem would be to use a different installation method: Instead of using
to install the package, you can try using theapt
package manager to install Google Chrome. Here are the steps to do so:Or, you can check your dependencies. It is possible that the installation is failing due to missing dependencies. You can try installing the required dependencies using the following command:
This command will install any missing dependencies and fix any broken packages on your system.