
cPanel login error

We have created a cPanel droplet selecting image from the Marketplace. It all looks configured correctly and we are able to SSH in to the Ubuntu instance. But we are unable to login to the cPanel WHM portal using URL: https://IPADDRESS:2087 (as per Digital Ocean documentation for WHM cPanel setup), it fails with error: “The login is invalid”. We have tried with different ISP connections, Mobile Hotspot and by even uninstalling the Antivirus from the Laptop from which we are trying to login, getting same error in all scenarios. Any help, suggestions to fix this issue will be greatly appreciated.


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Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
October 11, 2022
Accepted Answer

Hello @sangramnayaka

This error means that the credentials provided by your authentication attempt were rejected.

If the correct password is being used and you can access SSH, can use the cPhulkd command-line tools to whitelist the IP you are connecting from to prevent further blocks. The following command can be used by replacing the example($IP) with your actual IP address.

  1. /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/cphulkdwhitelist $IP

Also, new installations of cPanel come with a 15-day free trial. For further use beyond that point, a valid license will need to be purchased directly through cPanel.


Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
October 11, 2022

Hi @sangramnayaka,

Once you SSH to your Droplet, you can try and change the root’s user password and then use that user to connect to. That’s the best and easiest way to go forward.

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