
Does snapshots gets deleted when a droplet is destroyed?

I tool a snapshot of a droplet and then wanted to destroy the droplet, which I did. But now I can’t find the snapshot which I took of that droplet.

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Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
February 13, 2021
Accepted Answer

Hello, @Vyom

Destroying a droplet does not remove its snapshots unless specifically set to. Basically, you can delete your droplet without any worries about your snapshots disappearing.

Snapshots remain in your account until you manually delete them. To delete a snapshot from your account, in the control panel, click Images in the main navigation, then click Snapshots to view all snapshots in your account.

After you delete the droplet, the only way to get to the snapshot would be from the Images tab on your left side of the screen.

Now, if you want to delete a snapshot, you can go to your Images tab and click more on the snapshot, there you’ll see a Destroy button for it.

Regards, Alex

Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
November 13, 2023

Hey everyone!

Quick update here, great news for those who’ve been waiting for more control over Droplet backups! Starting October 23rd, 2023, DigitalOcean has revamped the backup system. Now, each backup has its own deletion date, separate from the parent Droplet. This means your backups will stick around for four weeks, regardless of what happens to the original Droplet. It’s a real game-changer, especially if you’ve ever worried about losing data due to accidental deletion or other mishaps.

You can check out the deletion dates for each backup right in the cloud console. This update gives you more freedom and less worry about protecting your data. Plus, restoring your original Droplet or creating a new one from these backups is super easy, even if the original is long gone.

Hope this makes managing your projects a bit more stress-free!



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