I’ve been writing python code using VSCode for a while now but only on my local windows platform.
If I want to learn about writing code on Linux is this a good starting point?
I’ve had a LAMP-Ubuntu droplet with digital ocean for a few years now but so far its only been used for web hosting. Now I’d like to explore the possibilities.
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If you’re planning to host the application/site on the droplet or if you require Linux to develop your code, then this is a great starting point.
The article you mentioned will help you to configure Visual Studio Code to build the code directly on your droplet without the need to copy the code manually from your PC to the server each time.
Heya @fingers,
If you want to deploy your Python code on your Linux Droplet directly or just want to write Python code on your Droplet rather than your local environment using the listed article would help with that indeed.
As for writing code on Linux, can you give an example of what you want to achieve? For example, writing Python code on either Linux or Windows would be the same.