I have this seetings in the .env file of greenlight in my bigbluebutton server
Yes, the email works as SMTP, I use it in another service and it works fine with the correct password and the same settings
But when I run this command
docker run --rm --env-file .env bigbluebutton/greenlight:v2 bundle exec rake conf:check
The output prompts
Checking environment: Passed
Checking Connection: Passed
Checking Secret: Passed
Checking SMTP connection: Failed
Error connecting to SMTP - SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=error: wrong version number
I have no idea of what is wrong with it
Thank you in advance
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Well, a partner told me something that I could read correctly because of the dark blue in the vi comments. The error was that I was using this
The comment of the line above is
So, my SMTP needed to use STARTTLS port 587 and that line was messing it all. Once commented, it all worked
Well, somehow, I can’t edit my own question, and I see that the characters that I used to hide information broke the style, I paste it again but in a more nice way
I found that some people got this fixed using this code
But that’s not my case, everything us updated and the message prompts the same error