
Help with Function Log Shipping project.yml Configuration

I have a working function (node.js) but I need to log web calls so I am attempting to get log shipping to work. I have implemented as the documentation appears to show and have attempted with all 3 log ship providers and receive the same error. I have also attempted putting the environment variable at all 3 scopes, same issue. The token values are valid. If I remove the LOG_DESTINATIONS key the function works fine. I have also attempted adding the environment variable through the web interface, same issue. I have also tried altering the structure/format of the json string, same issue. I have gone back and forth with support and they just send me links to the same docs that appear to show what I am doing. What am I missing?

parameters: {}
  LOG_DESTINATIONS: '[{"papertrail":{"token":"this_is_not_my_real_token"}}]'
    - name: mypackagenamehere
      shared: false
      environment: {}
      parameters: {}
      annotations: {}
        - name: myfunctionnamehere
          binary: false
          main: ""
          runtime: nodejs:default
          web: true
          webSecure: false
          parameters: {}
          environment: {}
          annotations: {}
            timeout: 10000

Error: Cannot start function. Check logs for details. Activation Id: d26fc6b3c53841d4afc6b3c53811d4bb 2024-02-22T14:34:33.015832259Z stderr: Command exited abruptly during initialization

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Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
February 24, 2024
Accepted Answer


There has been a similar discussion specifically using Node.js:

The users reported that what fixed that for them was to, avoid using any ES6 module syntax.

Let me know if this works for you as well! If not, please reach out to the DigitalOcean support team who might be able to further investigate this for you:

Hope that helps!

- Bobby.

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