Hi, does anyone know how to host multiple wordpress domains on the same droplet ? At one point I managed to add a 2nd domain (wordpress site) on my existing droplet that already had an existing domain, using a tutorial found online but I can’t find it anymore. Can you please point me in the right direction? Thanks
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Hi there,
You could follow the steps from this video on how to host multiple WordPress websites on the same server with Apache Virtual Hosts:
Essentially, what needs to happen is:
folder:Syntax OK
reload Apache:Then run the following queries:
Hope that this helps. Regards, Bobby
Hello, @kimchi
Yes can host multiple websites on a single droplet. The setup it’s not complicated and you basically need to setup different virtual hosts for the separate websites/domains
You can also check this article, although it’s deprecated, but you will get the general idea behind the setup/configuration:
This article is for Nginx and how to setup a server blocks (virtual hosts)
If you have any questions feel free to ask.
Regards, Alex
Hi @kimchi,
You can follow this guide to host more than one domain on the same droplet.