The API doc for Spaces says that Bucket Versioning is supported, but only via the API. But I cannot see in the API doc how to create or use a bucket with versioning enabled. Any help appreciated!
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Hello friend!
Versioning is currently something that you can enable through the S3 compatible Spaces API. Currently this is the best documentation I can locate on the matter:
We typically suggest using s3cmd to interact with the API. However, s3cmd does not seem to currently support this. It never hurts to give an upvote to the request though:
Kind Regards, Jarland
After unsuccessfully trying to access the API for a while I managed to set this setting using the official AWS CLI
aws configure
in your terminal and supply your DO credentials (you can leave the region empty)aws s3api list-object-versions --bucket {{ BUCKET_NAME }} --endpoint=https://{{ REGION }}
These commands worked for me to enable versioning:
I got these commands after contacting Digital Ocean support. You can read the full response they wrote me here: