I have an app that has 2 components.
The first works perfectly, and I don’t need to change it. The second I am changing and deploying frequently as I figure out how to get it to work. Each time I make changes and press the Deploy button, both components build and deploy.
Is there a way for me to only deploy the 2nd component so that I don’t have to wait for the 1st (working) component to build each time?
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👋🏼 @Kiva
Unfortunately this is not supported at this time. It is something we’re considering as multiple users have requested it. As a workaround you can update each component to use a different Git repo, but I realize this is not very convenient.
I am in a similar situation for which I have a “monitor worker”, which is used only to monitor and debug issues with the webserver. It would be convenient if I can turn on and off this worker independently of the working app.
This is still a problem, unless I’m missing how to trigger a single component?
I have a web service and a worker - they share a codebase as much of the code is used in both components, but I need to deploy them independently.