
How do I set up wildcard *DOMAIN* on my droplet?

I’m working on a webapp where users can connect their profile to their domains, but how do I enable wildcard dns in digitalocean? Using vhosts or from the domain panel? Eg: If the user profile is It will be shown on once the user connects the domain.

I’m using

  1. PHP
  2. Apache
  3. Ubuntu
  4. MySQL

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Andy Hattemer
DigitalOcean Employee
DigitalOcean Employee badge
February 16, 2020
Accepted Answer

@Cybil Here is the approach I would take:

Update DNS to direct all subdomain requests to your Droplet

  1. Add your domain without any subdomains to the DO Control Panel. add root domain
  2. Add an A Record entry to DNS where an asterisk * is the host name and your droplet is selected as the target so that all subdomains route Add * wildcard A-Record

Now the DNS record is directing all subdomain URL requests (, to your Droplet. To ensure the root domain is also pointing to, add an @ A-Record too.

Note: From our documentation:

(Use) A wildcard (*). To direct requests for a non-existent subdomain to a server or load balancer, enter *. However, if any kind of DNS record exists for a hostname, the wildcard will not apply; you will need to explicitly create an A record for it.

Update Apache config on Droplet to map all subdomains to the right webapp route

  1. Enable the mod_vhost_alias extension on Apache with sudo a2enmod vhost_alias and then restart Apache with systemctl restart apache2
  2. Update your Apache config to add a VirtualHost block that maps subdomains to the proper PHP route
<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot /path/to/webapp

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAlias *
    VirtualDocumentRoot /path/to/webapp/users/%1.php

Lastly restart apache again with systemctl restart apache2


Maybe you want to say Your question is to add subdomains for every user and enable https access?

Maybe you can turn to and it will redirect to a GitHub repo with more information on setting up https. At there you can find what you want.

As for wildcard subdomains, just add * in your DNS console. That means, * is the record, and YOUR SERVER IP is the value.

Regards, Shiroka

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