
How do I ssh to a Kubernetes node?

Is there a way to SSH to a kubernetes node droplet? When I created the kubernetes cluster there was no option to authorize an ssh key.

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Accepted Answer

Hey, first of all you need to give access ssh port on firewall section for your droplet/node. After that you can reset your root password on droplets access tab. When you get your new root password you can ssh to your node.

I don’t believe there is - the tradeoff of a fully managed service is that you don’t get to log in and break their management.

Worker nodes are built on Droplets, but unlike standard Droplets, worker nodes are managed with the Kubernetes command-line client kubectl and are not accessible with SSH.


I tried to connect thru load balancer IP but not success… it says “connection closed by remote”

If you want to copy files you can use kubectl cp command

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