I have a file in space that I would like to add during building of my app deployed in App Platform.
My app is connected to github, but I don’t want to use github in this case. How it is done in app spec for example?
Thank you.
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Hello Ferd,
To include a file from DigitalOcean Spaces in the build process of your app on the DigitalOcean App Platform, you’ll need to configure your app to fetch the file from Spaces during the build phase. Here’s a general approach to achieve this:
Make sure that your file is accessible:
Modify Your Build Command:
Update your build process to include a
command to download the file from Spaces.For example:
with the path and filename where you want to save the file in your build environment. Replace[file-url-in-spaces]
with the actual URL of your file in Spaces.Include the Command in Your App Spec or Build Script:
command in thebuild_command
command in the appropriate place.Make sure to replace the placeholders with your specific file’s details.
Hope that this helps and let me know how it goes!