I have 2 servers on which one have wordpress site on root domain “example.com” and i want to open a discourse forum on other server on my subdomain “forum.example.com”. And my root domain is using cloudlflare.
So when i tried to add a dns of forum and pointed it to the new server, it still shows nothing. I dont know why , i know this is somewhat off topic. But please i am trying to figure this out from couple of weeks.
When i visit the forum.example.com, it shows me the cloudflare page but says the host in not working. I also added the subdomain in my digitalocean panel still nothing
Please help!!
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Can you confirm if you’ve followed these steps here in:
If you’ve followed those steps note that it might take a while for the DNS cache to clear over the Globe.
Hope that this helps! Bobby
I get a
error when adding subdomains. Let me ask you what is missing other than adding the A record.