I have an account with DO, I do not have a credit card. I do have a Prepaid Credit card and a Paypal account. I have tried both but DO is not accepting that for making teams. Is there anything I am missing. I would really like to make team as I don’t want to give out my main account to developer for security reasons.
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Hey @themaimoon,
In our public community, we aim to answer open questions about anything SysAdmin, DigitalOcean and beyond. However, we make every attempt to keep personal information safe and so don’t ever access personal account information here. This means we can’t provide help with any account or billing-related issues.
Due to issues with fraud some debit cards may not be accepted by default. In some cases, by verifying your account with our support team this restriction can be lifted.
Please reach out to our amazing support team who will be more than happy to assist you with your account issue! :)
Hope that helps!
Regards, Alex
Two years later this still isn’t fixed. You can even hardlock your account if you delete your team - the account then becomes useless.
If this was a video game the bug would be categorized as “gamebreaking”.
Same problem here, I want to add team member, team membership is free of charge why do I need to add payment details? I even added my prepaid card (which I have only for online shopping) but DO won’t accept it, I don’t want to reveal my CC.