
How to deploy Next.js app with multiple Spaces

I’m interested in having additional Spaces to serve my app’s assets to improve redundancy in the event of outage. I’m already looking into syncing the buckets using rClone, but I’m unsure how to have multiple Spaces with my next.js app. With next.js I specify an assetPrefix path to my Spaces CDN.

Is there a straight-forward way of having buckets across multiple regions for a single next.js application on the app platform? How exactly does the CDN work when a Spaces bucket goes down?

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Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
October 16, 2023
Accepted Answer


DigitalOcean’s built-in Spaces CDN inherently has a redundancy mechanism. If a particular CDN edge server faces issues, the system is designed to pull content from the nearest available edge server. Furthermore, in the rare event a Space (the origin) experiences downtime, the CDN will continue to serve cached assets until that cache period elapses.

It’s important to note that the assetPrefix feature in Next.js is not designed to accommodate multiple endpoints out of the box. This limitation is consistent across various service providers, not just DigitalOcean.

While it’s feasible to use a load balancer or a DNS service to switch requests between Spaces based on availability, implementing such a system introduces additional complexity. It’s worth considering if the benefits of this intricate setup outweigh the convenience and reliability of the inherent redundancy provided by the CDN.

That said, employing a secondary Spaces bucket as a backup and synchronizing with rClone is an excellent strategy for ensuring your assets are backed up, which is always a recommended practice.

Hope that this is helpful!



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