
How to enable the ssl certificate for my droplet IP address

Hello to all,

I have deploying my spring boot rest application in my debian 10 server and I make differents api rest call with http://my_ip_address:8080 but the problem is that in my angular web client who differents user make requests I have enabled the ssl certificate to establish the secure navigation for them and now I can’t call my services with http protocol.

And when I try to generate the ssl certificate with openssl, the web browser bloc always the rest api call and tell that the certificate didn’t provide from the competent authority.

My question is how can I do to generate the ssl certificate for my public IP address for my droplet.


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Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
June 16, 2020
Accepted Answer

Hi there @sinclairjaza,

I would recommend taking a look at this answer here by ryanpq:

He mentions that unfortunately the free LetsEncrypt CA does not support this which leaves you with two options:

  • Create a self-signed ssl certificate. This has the benefit of being free and fairly easy to set up but will result in a security warning in most browsers since they look for a trusted authority to have issued the certificate. If you are creating this for internal use this may be the best option.

  • Purchase an SSL certificate from a provider. For this I’d recommend reaching out to a few providers to find one that will support issuing a certificate for your public IP address.

Hope that this helps! Regards, Bobby

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