I was having issues using php sendmail and emails getting blocked so I decided to try google workspace. I have successfully setup the email to receive but I am stuck trying to get php sendmail to send emails from my domain. I have seen tutorials on here about configuring apps for google’s smtp settings but how do I send email from my webapp so it comes from my domain ?
Also, I have two droplets one is my website xxxx.com and the other is my webapp at app.xxxx.com I need to be able to send email from both.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, james
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For anyone else wondering how to do this, PHP pear and Google Workspace was my answer.
Hi @kryptone,
I’m glad you managed to find a solution for you! Let me suggest something else as well.
Using PHP mail or PHP pear is kind of old technology. For the past years, however, everyone has been using SMTP with PHP. Sending mail via SMTP is recommended as email is sent from the mail server rather than the webserver.
I’ll recommend seeing how this works and try using it in some other projects to see if you like how it’s working.
Hello, @kryptone
If you’re interested in using Postfix alongside Gmail to send emails from your droplet you can also check this mini tutorial:
Hope that this helps! Regards, Alex