
How to use TypeScript in a Functions (serverless) Project

I’m getting familiar with the new Functions offering and I see a variety of languages supported. Since my project is heavily typed, I would like to use TypeScript instead of vanilla JavaScript. I cannot find any example projects.

Is this even possible or with how Functions are build, it can only be JavaScript within the repo that will be tied to “Apps” for production use?

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I’ve been working on a CLI library (docts) which enhances the development experience for Typescript function projects.

It allows you to:

  1. Create a new TS project using a familiar file structure

  2. Add/Remove functions to/from your project with automatic project.yml update

  3. Manage all function dependencies from the project package.json instead of individual package.json

  4. Build your project to get the packages which can then be deployed on App Platform or a function namespace

Check it out on Github and on NPM

If you find it helpful, kindly leave a star on the project

It’s not mentioned in the Getting Started guide, but doctl serverless init now supports typescript.

So you can create a new typescript function with

doctl serverless init --language typescript <example-project>

I was wondering this too, but it looks like only javascript is supported. You can see the supported languages/frameworks by running:

doctl serverless status --languages

and typescript is not listed. I also tested it though by using a .ts file, which deployed fine but when I tried to invoke it, it returned an error that “The action did not initialize properly.” This is very unfortunate in my opinion since all of my projects are in typescript now, hopefully the DigitalOcean team will catch up and add typescript support to functions

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