
I cannot seem to resolve these Lynis warnings, should I ignore them?

I’m using this tutorial:

But I cannot resolve these warnings:

! No password set for single mode [AUTH-9308]

(I ran passwd as root and set a root password, so it should prevent single user mode login without that password. So do I configure Lynis to ignore this?)

! Couldn’t find 2 responsive nameservers [NETW-2705]

(/etc/resolv.conf on all Ubuntu systems I have ever used only have nameserver I can see two nameservers when I run systemd-resolve --status, and both are responsive. So do I configure Lynis to ignore this?)

! No MySQL root password set [DBS-1816]

(Can’t figure this one out. I cannot seem to prevent the root user from logging in as root to the database. The password has indeed been set and I flushed privileges. The /root/.digitalocean_password file contains root_mysql_pass. So that’s why Lynis is flagging on this, right? Wrong. If I rename that file and even restart the daemon, flush privileges, etc., it still allows login. At least it is only accessible by root. So do I configure Lynis to ignore this?)

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Thought it might be good for others to know that these issues were resolved by simply upgrading Lynis to the latest :-)

Lynis author here.

Sure, if you can’t resolve a particular item and you feel you can accept the risk or took other measures, then it is totally fine to skip a particular test.

To skip a test: add ‘skip-test=AAAA-1234’ (without quotes) to custom.prf (lynis show profiles). Replace the ID with the one you see between the brackets.

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