
I have created a website twice now and both times it has been overwritten as soon as I login via SSH.

I have created a website twice now and both times it has been overwritten as soon as I login via SSH.

If I create the image and do the install config via SSH for wordpress, the worpress installation breaks and does not recognise the url’s such as and none of the links work or the CSS.

If I create the wordpress instance by accessing SSH and control C out of the wordpress setup questions to the command prompt, and then go to the URL and create the wordpress instance via the GUI in the web browser, the next time I login via SSH the site is overwritten.

Please help, I have wasted days on two creations of the same site.

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Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
January 23, 2020
Accepted Answer

Hello, @Systemwork

If you’re already experiencing this issue you can apply the following temporary fix. Once you’re logged in you can execute these commands:

mv /var/www/html.old/html /var/www/wordpress
mv /var/www/html.old /var/www/html

Also you can comment out the lines in the instal script after that.

# mv /var/www/html.old/html /var/www/wordpress
# mv /var/www/html.old /var/www/html

Regards, Alex

Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
January 22, 2020

Hello, @Systemwork

This is a known issue and it’s already been reported to the team. This is expected to be fixed shortly, but I will let you know once I have more details. I’ll keep you posted.

Regards, Alex

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