In my droplet WordPress sites are suddenly stopped working. But the HTML sites are working fine.
I couldn’t log in to the FTP also. It’s saying “Error”
Error: Network error: Connection refused Error: Could not connect to the server
I am not able to run the putty also. I can only access the console.
Not even I am not able to take the backup of my websites.
Can anyone please help me with this?
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Hi @SuperforceValli,
Firstly, can you please ping your droplet to make sure it’s live? To do so open your terminal/cmd and type
I know you mentioned you are able to access it via console but still, let’s see if it’s accessible from the world not just locally by DO.
Next step
Now, when you know the server is actually working okay, check your domain. Do a ping again but on your domain now
Does it ping to your droplet’s IP address? If no, let me know, if yes - great!
Next step
Now you would need to enter your server via the console. Once you are in, check if apache is actually running. You can do so by typing the following command :
This will show you which service, if any is running on port 80. If there is nothing running there, it would mean you need to start apache. To do so, you can run the following command
or if this doesn’t work then
If when starting apache, you experience some errors, please post them here in order to help you out. If it starts, then great.
Last Step
It’s possible your network is down. Console to your server and type
If it starts without a problem, try again to ping the droplet and check your website. If it doesn’t paste the errors here.
Kind regards, Kalin
Hi @KFerdinandov,
I have resized “CPU and RAM only”.
I am getting following output while running this command:
“No such file or directory”
It doesn’t give any output.
Sorry, I have spent many days on this issue. Finally, I have deleted around 80GB Snapshot because of the disk space issue. But no use. I have an old copy of my websites. I will activate them with the new droplet.
I need one more help. Can you please guide me to go through the full Digital Ocean course or any guidance. I have to learn DO fully. I like to work on it. But I am stuck like this type of issues.
Thank you so much for your help :-)
Any possibilities to backup my WordPress websites with the help of the console?
If yes, please let me know. I will destroy the existing droplet and I will create a new one.