
Issue with Waiting for HTTP-01 challenge propagation: failed to perform self check GET request from ACME challenges

I’ve been stuck on this issue for a while now, and even though this is a common issue, I can’t seem to figure it out why the fixes proposed here ( do not work for me.

Here’s my manifests: nginx-service.yaml code
kind: Service apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: ingress-nginx annotations: # See” namespace: ingress-nginx labels: ingress-nginx ingress-nginx spec: externalTrafficPolicy: Local type: LoadBalancer selector: ingress-nginx ingress-nginx ports: - name: http port: 80 targetPort: http - name: https port: 443 targetPort: https


apiVersion: kind: ClusterIssuer metadata: name: letsencrypt-cluster-issuer spec: acme: server: email: privateKeySecretRef: name: letsencrypt-cluster-issuer-key solvers: - http01: ingress: class: nginx


apiVersion: kind: Certificate metadata: name: echo-cert namespace: default spec: dnsNames: - secretName: echo-tls issuerRef: name: letsencrypt-cluster-issuer kind: ClusterIssuer

The url provided by the challenge is accessible via browser and wget, so I'm assuming the issue is with the network within the cluster. Does anyone know how do I fix this issue?

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Accepted Answer

Hello Gabriel, I ran into the same issue today.

First, I assume that in the dnsNames of the certificate is a typo. I would have used :

As I installed DigitalOcean “NGINX Ingress Controller” from the 1-Click Apps, I already had the two first annotations below. I only had to add the last line to make it work:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: ingress-nginx-controller
  namespace: ingress-nginx
  annotations: xxxxxxx "true" ""

The difference I can see in your configuration is the lack of second annotation: “true”

Here’s a good article explaining this step:

I hope it helps.

Finally, until things work I suggest using the staging Let’s Encript url instead of the production one.

More information about this here :

“Let’s Encrypt imposes fairly strict limits on requests to ACME servers. To avoid unnecessary load on LE’s production environment, we recommend using the letsencrypt-staging certificate for testing (the difference is in the ACME server only).”

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