
Issues with do docker registry - 403 errors when building docker images from a gitlab pipeline Job


I am having some intermitting issues building and pushing docker images (via CI gitlab job)

I am encountering this error:

error checking push permissions -- make sure you entered the correct tag name, and that you are authenticated correctly, and try again: checking push permission for "": 

creating push check transport for failed: GET 

unsupported status code 403; 

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Retrying seems “fixing” the issue…

I was not encountering this issue the last week. My CI builds started failing at the begging if the week.

Any idea ?

– Some more details:

  • My gitlab runners are hosted on a DOKS cluster.
  • Registry secrets were properly defined (It was flawlessly working the previous week)
  • I am building images using Kaniko

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Accepted Answer

I was able to resolve my issue by creating a new pool for my k8s cluster and removing the old pool.

But I am not able to understand what caused this issue

hi, maybe this will help you, this is how my pipeline is looking in gitlab (and is working fine):

  - docker:18-dind

  - build

  DOCKER_HOST: "tcp://localhost:2375"
  DOCKER_REGISTRY_NAMESPACE: "<my-registry>/<my-image>"

.master job: &master-pipe-job
    - mvp
      - master

  <<: *master-pipe-job
  stage: build
  image: docker:stable
    - echo "Build & Package started"
    - echo $CI_COMMIT_SHA

$DO_REGISTRY_USER = $DO_REGISTRY_PASSWORD = API token from API in the DigitalOcean control panel

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