I have a spec app.yml
that I use to setup a service and a frontend in the App platform (I trimmed down the yaml file):
name: airmeeple
- name: frontend
source_dir: frontend
- path: /
- name: backend
source_dir: backend
- path: /api
When DO re-routes requests to the backend, it strips the prefix /api
such that if the request service.com/api/user
, the service will receive the request /user
Is it possible to configure the reverse proxy such that the prefix is kept when rerouting the request, such that the service sees a request with the path /api/user
Thanks in advance!
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@yehudi @mirkul This was added by DO, there is now a
when configuring a route that allows the prefix to be kept.Did you ore anyone find out a way to perform this ?
I am facing the same issue and am unable to perform what I need to do without that feature.
Thanks in advance.
Same here. Please answer