All I get is “Booting from Hard Disk…” “error: symbol ‘grub_calloc’ not found” “Entering resuce mode…”
and then grub rescue>
I’ve tried everything, including booting from recovery and tried to reinstall grub and stuff but nothing works, im panicking cause destroying the droplet and creating a new one would mean I have to rebuild my mongoDB that has alot of data in it…
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Hi, First things first, if the environment configuration of your droplet is difficult to replicate, I recommend you to wait for a response from DO support team, and to not perform any action unless they instruct you to do that.
However, if you would like to get the risk, you can try to go through with it. So…
1. Using DO control panel, turn off your droplet and take its snapshot, just in case, to preserve your data.
2. Then, switch to recovery environment (Boot from Recovery ISO), turn your droplet on, and launch recovery console.
3. Choose from menu Mount Your Disk Image, and then enter Interactive Shell
4. Change root for your mounted disk. But before that, bind some system resources. Execute following commands
Now, your are in your droplet’s root directory
5. Create GRUB config file.
6. Check what your droplet’s disk is
It will be a message displayed, looking like that:
In that case, droplet’s disk is /dev/vda
7. Install GRUB on your disk (replace /dev/vda with your droplet’s disk)
8. Exit your chrooted environment.
9. Shutdown recovery environment
10. Turn on starting from your image hard drive, and turn on your droplet.
Let us know if it works, pls.
Tried to do it myself but it seems like the config is completely gone…
Hello, I’ve tried this solution but I’m stuck in chroot/mnt command. cant go further and in my grub rescue console, it shows me grub_calloc not found. Could anyone tell me how do I fix that issue?
Thanks in advance!!!