
Postfix configuration option when we have Procmail

Hello everyone,

recently there were a couple of feedbacks submitted to the tutorial - How To Install and Configure Postfix on Ubuntu 20.04

This installation process of Postfix will open a series of interactive prompts. With that in mind, a couple of users pointed out there was an additional step that asks “Use procmail for local delivery?”

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March 9, 2021
Accepted Answer

So firstly, I would like to point out that this PROMPT asking about “Use procmail for local delivery?” during the configuration of Postfix will only be present if you have procmail installed!

If you don’t have Procmail installed, then you can skip this question, you shouldn’t be asked while configuring Postfix

Now back to the main thing. When asked about

“Use procmail for local delivery?”

The default answer is “Yes” but that wouldn’t for you if are following the How To Install and Configure Postfix on Ubuntu 20.04. You’ll have to choose the option - “No”. Otherwise procmail will deliver incoming mail to the default local mail directory (/var/mail) instead of the mail directory specified in the tutorial (~/Maildir).

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