I followed all the steps, but when type “s-nail” show me this message
s-nail: /home/myuser/Maildir: Is a directory
If I type “sudo s-nail” this message
s-nail: /var/mail/root: No such entry, file or directory
s-nail version v14.9.15. Type `?’ for help
(Currently no active mailbox)
No more mail.
What can I do? Thanks!
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Hi there,
This is normal and may only appear when sending this first message. You can check to make sure the directory was created by looking for your
directory:If you do not see the
directories in there, make sure to create them:For more information make sure to check this tutorial here:
Regards, Bobby
When trying to read a specific mailbox using s-nail, you need to use s-nail -f then list the FQPN of the Maildir.
FWIW, I run virtual hosts on my email server and this works even when using virtual host, provided you know the FQPN of the specific maildir.