
Remote Connection to MySQL Database

I am attempting to connect, remotely, to the MySQL server created on my Droplet. However, every time I attempt to connect, I get the error of “Can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘’(10060)” and I can’t find a solution to my issue, no matter how much I look around.

Netstat -ntl | grep 3306:

tcp6      0      0   :::3306            :::*            LISTEN


# Instead of skip-networking the default is now to listen only on
# localhost which is more compatible and is not less secure.
#bind-address		=

SELECT user, host FROM mysql.user;

| UserName | % |

SHOW GRANTS FOR ‘UserName’@‘%’;

| Grants for UserName@% |
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'UserName'@'%' |

sudo ufw status

To                                        Action                    From
--                                          ------                       ----
3306                                   ALLOW                  Anywhere
3306/tcp                            ALLOW                   Anywhere
3306 (v6)                           ALLOW                   Anywhere (v6)
3306/tcp (v6)                     ALLOW                   Anywhere (v6)

I’m new to all of this, so if there’s some information which would help you help me then please let me know!

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Andy Hattemer
DigitalOcean Employee
DigitalOcean Employee badge
February 1, 2019
Accepted Answer

Take a read through Allowing remote access to MySQL

Start by changing the bind address to instead of just commenting it out, restart mysql and try connecting.

Please note, though, that JUST setting bind-address to is insecure as it allows connections to your server from any IP address…

Whether that works or not, take a read through this tutorial for more best practices and tips:

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