I’m attempting to create an instance with an API but getting it assigned to a specific project i cannot do. The closest I came is here: https://docs.digitalocean.com/reference/api/api-reference/#operation/databases_create_cluster:~:text=the database cluster.-,project_id,-string <uuid Basically it looks like I need a reference to the project in the Request body headers but when I look for that I’m having no such luck… I tried project:, project_id: but no luck
The only way i can see is to make the target project the default…which makes any new instance created via API be assigned to it…but then any instance i create would only be assigned to that. Kind of at a loss here
def create_do_droplette():
droplet = digitalocean.Droplet(token=API_DIGITALO_TOKEN,
region='nyc1', # New York 1
image='ubuntu-20-04-x64', # Ubuntu 20.04 x64
size_slug='s-1vcpu-1gb', # 1GB RAM, 1 vCPU
project_id="Test") # don't know about this here <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
return droplet.create()
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Hi there,
I believe that you could create your Droplet first and then make a second API call to attach the newly created Droplet to the project.
For example:
For more information here is a reference to the API documentation:
The API documentation URL that you’ve shared is for database clusters rather than Droplets.
Hope that this helps!