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Allright, I found your problem. Please post your webserver VHOST config. The webserver (nginx or apache) probably redirects the domain to I can verify this once you posted the VHOST configuration.
Since you haven’t setup the www DNS setting, this will not resolve to your droplets IP. To fix this either setup an A record that resolves www or a global resolve 1:
Once the DNS settings have been applied at your IPS, you will be able to use both and to resolve your webserver IP.
BTW: You can also setup an A record that resolves to your server IP. You can then use CNAME’s for all other DNS records that needs to be resolved to the server IP. This saves time, because you don’t have to use the IP all the time:
You can use anything you like to resolve to your server.
Hope this helps you out!
I quote: Since you have the nameservers redirected to digitalocean you would need to configure it at DO
This means you need to configure the DNS at DIGITALOCEAN. Please post the DNS config of DO
Thank you very much, just in case, thats the new settings, right?!