hello, I’ve just set a droplet up on Ubuntu 16.04 64bit and setup ServerPilot free version to control the server, I managed to set the APP up which was fairly straightforward, I’ve got the app running Magento 2 and another app running WordPress on two separate testing domains…
I’d like to use Let’s encrypt for the SSL and install them myself on the server to the domains, which when I’ve set a droplet up before it was fairly straight forward following a couple of tutorials on digital ocean.
Problem is I can’t work out the structure from how server pilot has set the server up what commands to use to set the SSL certificates up using Let’s Encrypt on the server.
I seem to have a folders:
/etc/apache-sp/ /etc/nginx-sp/
and the apps are stored here:
If anyone has manage to do this without paying for the upgrade on Server Pilot It would be much appreciated to know how, as from what I have read on their site is they use Let’s Encrypt for managing the SSL Certs
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Then check this out: https://github.com/lesaff/serverpilot-letsencrypt
“as from what I have read on their site is they use Let’s Encrypt for managing the SSL Certs”.
This is true, as long as you pay 10$ per month.
If you need to do it yourself, then it’s way more complicated than that. I managed to do this when LE first came out in public beta. I since then destroyed the server, and paid 10$ to SP to do this for me. There was so much to setup and the worst part, the update. And also adding new ssl certs was not just one click.
I already saved the costs lots of times by paying them 10$ to do the hard work for me.
not to worry I only needed to use it for testing hence the reason I don’t want to pay the 10$ as the droplet will be destroyed once I’ve finished…