
Setting up FTP on a subdomain with Webmin

Hello, I will start off by admitting that I am new to the world of Webmin and I am new to digital ocean (double threat I guess, hehe). So apologies ahead of time if noobishness inspires face-palms.

Anyways my question is how would one setup a subdomain and then make it an accessible ftp? I am running Webmin 1.840 on Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS and have already accomplished being able to have point to a test.php page and have created a ftp account but I need help dialing in being able to go to and being able to see an index of the files / make them a little more accessible. Any good tutorials or videos out there? So far I have found some but still not accomplished my goal yet. My appreciation in advance for all those who read this and major appreciation for all who offer assistance!

TLDR Version: How would one accomplish setting up the ability to go to and see an index of files with Webmin?

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With Webmin, to enable FTP, you’ll need to install ProFTP.

Webmin => Un-used Modules => ProFTP

You’ll then click on the button that says “Click Here”, which is followed by “to have it downloaded and installed using APT.”

Clicking that button will download and install ProFTP for you.

Now you’ll want to go to:

Webmin => System => Users and Groups

Click on “Create New User.”

Username        =>  Any username of your choice.
Home Directory  =>  Any path (i.e. /home/youruser)
Shell           =>  /bin/false
Password        =>  Normal Password (any secure password of your choosing)
Primary Group   =>  New group with same name as user

The click on “Create.”

You should then be able to login to FTP using the username you just created and the password you set for that user.

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