I have a simple Symfony application hosted on a DigitalOcean Droplet. It is a private application with a password-protected dashboard (apache) and there are a few background processes. That’s why I chose the following droplet for now:
The background processes run via the Symfony Messenger. I have introduced the following systemd program for this:
Description=Symfony messenger-consume %i (async)
ExecStart=php /var/www/html/current/bin/console messenger:consume async -vv --time-limit=3600 --memory-limit=372M
The –time-limit=3600 option terminates the program after one hour and then restarts it automatically. With the option –memory-limit=372M this also happens when the memory has been reached.
The configured log file shows that this works:
[OK] Consuming messages from transport "async".
// The worker will automatically exit once it has exceeded 372M of memory, been
// running for 3600s or received a stop signal via the messenger:stop-workers
// command.
// Quit the worker with CONTROL-C.
19:42:25 INFO [messenger] Stopping worker. ["transport_names" => ["async"]]
19:42:25 INFO [messenger] Worker stopped due to time limit of 3600s exceeded ["timeLimit" => 3600]
[OK] Consuming messages from transport "async".
// The worker will automatically exit once it has exceeded 372M of memory, been
// running for 3600s or received a stop signal via the messenger:stop-workers
// command.
// Quit the worker with CONTROL-C.
20:42:57 INFO [messenger] Stopping worker. ["transport_names" => ["async"]]
20:42:57 INFO [messenger] Worker stopped due to time limit of 3600s exceeded ["timeLimit" => 3600]
After some time, the program is terminated because it seems to receive a signal 15 from somewhere:
[OK] Consuming messages from transport "async".
// The worker will automatically exit once it has exceeded 372M of memory, been
// running for 3600s or received a stop signal via the messenger:stop-workers
// command.
// Quit the worker with CONTROL-C.
22:18:27 INFO [messenger] Received signal 15. ["signal" => 15,"transport_names" => ["async"]]
22:18:27 INFO [messenger] Stopping worker. ["transport_names" => ["async"]]
However, the program will no longer restart automatically after this. Only when I reconnect to the server via SSH does the program start again automatically. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing my program to terminate and why it only restarts when I connect to the server? I can’t see anything in the graphs of the droplet, for example there is no utilization above 75%.
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Problem found. I just noticed that the program doesn’t just exit after a certain time, but directly after logout. And that’s how I came up with this solution: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/521538/system-service-running-as-user-is-terminated-on-logout
I know you’ve figured it out but here are some other ideas I think might help. Firstly, try Service Watchdog.
in the systemd service file to ensure the service is monitored and restarted if it becomes unresponsive.Add Restart on-failure Policy: Ensure that the systemd service has a proper restart policy to handle unexpected terminations.
Here’s an updated version of your systemd service file with some additional configurations: