I’m trying to set up a staging Managed Database
So far I have Exported all my databases from the production Managed DB to an SQL file using mysqldump but when I try to import to the staging I stumble upon an error saying I need at least one super-user privileges (I Have used the default user doadmin) I even tried including the cert that was given to me but it didn’t help at all
Now I understand that DO won’t grant super-user access but It just doesn’t make sense why I can’t do this process
do I need to Include some special flag during export to overcome this issue?
mysql -u doadmin -p -h Staging-DB -P 25060 newDatabase < exportedDatabase.sql
Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER, SYSTEM_VARIABLES_ADMIN or SESSION_VARIABLES_ADMIN privilege(s) for this operation
And here’s the export command I executed
mysqldump -u doadmin -p -h Prod-DB -P 25060 database > database.sql
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Hi there @omercohen,
I believe that right before the
Access denied;
statement, you should have an Error Number followed by the exact line in the.sql
file which is causing this error. Usually, it should look something like this:What you could do is open the
file on that line and remove theSET @@SESSION.
or theSET @@GLOBAL.
statements or comment them out with--
. Then you should be able to run the import as normal.Feel free to share the exact line from the
dump which is causing the problem here and I could try to advise you further.Regards, Bobby